Author Archives: Big Tuna
Building a Custom Bass Guitar – Warmoth ’54 Precision single coil
When I decided to order something from Warmoth it was because I had played many basses that I’d seen and heard in a lot of the bands I am into, and got close to, but they never exactly as I’d envisaged. … Continue reading
On a lighter note…
Everything’s black and white when you’re 14. While hormones, acne, cheap beer and angst join forces to whip up a storm of confusion in your maturing mind, you need something certain to hang on to. That need is sharpened by … Continue reading
Bass is a community thing….
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m pretty much addicted to all things Bass. I regularly attend gatherings of like minded individuals in far flung parts of the world like Newcastle and Manchester and contribute on a number … Continue reading
Is this the best representation of a guitar solo ever? Discuss…
The wisdom of solo, man…
Draw a rakish comedy moustache on Michelangelo’s David, pour Agent Orange over Van Gogh’s sunflowers and roll a Faberge Egg to destruction down a grassy precipice next Easter. All these efforts are overshadowed, out-gunned and just plain beaten to a … Continue reading
Freaking out
Crocodiles, BB King, horseshoe crabs, cockroaches and Angus Young. What do they have in common? All of them have been around for a very long time, and none of them has needed to change with the times. Why? Because, in … Continue reading